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We have a One Week Christmas Action Plan for you, our dear Shazzy blog readers! Take part and let us know how your week goes!
  • 2 min read
The reason being is that all of this chaos and turmoil is changing and will change just as all of the horrific happenings in the world were in flux at the time when Paul and Peter wrote encouraging words to us from their prison cells, but the unimaginable beautiful truth that I am writing to you about today and that they wrote about thousands of years ago will never change. You and I temples, sanctuaries of the Living God and for that we can be grateful regardless of what is going on in the world around us.
  • 7 min read
What a perfect time to ask ourselves how we can daily prepare our hearts and minds to gracefully navigate this present world with relentless kindness as our mission. We are a nation divided on so many fronts. People are feeling afraid, sad, confused, you name the emotion and we are feeling it to a heightened degree.
I don’t know about you, but never in my lifetime have I seen a greater need for Relentless Faith, so this is going to be a very practical post, even including an acrostic to help you remember the action plan. The hope is that these tools will help all of us to activate and relentlessly maintain our faith regardless of what is going on in the world around us.
  • 6 min read
Think about that for a moment. Relentless Peace. Although it doesn’t really mean the same thing, relentless peace probably makes you think of the idea of endless peace or always having a calm, unshakeable grounded feeling. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? What would that even look like? Is that even attainable during these uncertain times?
When we read a phrase like relentless prayer it can sound daunting or like it is going to be A LOT of work. The reality is, relentless prayer, or even the scriptural reference of praying without ceasing, can be as much about inviting peace into our lives and circumstances as it is about petitioning Heaven for relief from the things that are pressing in on us here on earth.


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