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4 Thanksgiving Day Rituals to Help You Keep the Weight Off

shazzy fitness happy thanksgivingThanksgiving is just around the corner and we know from a variety of studies at this point that the average American gains anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs during the holiday season. So, if you want to be above average and maintain your current weight during the holidays, we want to give you some strategies that just might make that happen without going cold turkey. See what I did there?

1. Pre-eat – This applies whether you are hosting or attending the Thanksgiving meal. If you eat a familiar filling snack within an hour of eating all of the holiday goodies, it will protect you from stuffing yourself once the festivities officially begin. Also, get in your 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

2. Know Your Triggers – Do you have family situations or family members that can cause you to stress eat? Set your mind to respond in a different way. Maybe write a scripture like, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13 on a notecard and excuse yourself to another room. Take some deep breaths and pray for strength, endurance and patience to handle those stressful moments.

3. Don’t Try to Go Cold Turkey – So instead of avoiding your aunt’s world famous apple pie that she loves to see you gobble down, why not plan on having a small taste of everything that you love instead of setting your mind against particular foods? For one thing, Thanksgiving holidays are meant to be enjoyed! If you pre-eat and eat enough of the good stuff during your meal in all likelihood you won’t be tempted to overdo it with any of the desserts, thereby allowing you to enjoy your favorites and make your aunt happy at the same time.

one plate rule dessert pumpkin pie4. Set One Plate Limits – Decide in advance that you will have a little of everything that you like and that will fit reasonably on your plate. This may require that you scan all of the choices first. Also, keep in mind that most sauces and gravies are heavy in calories, but if you can’t imagine Thanksgiving without them, then don’t try to, just make what used to be a pour ...a drizzle. You can still get the flavor of gravy on turkey or on mashed potatoes if you drizzle the gravy on the turkey or drizzle gravy on your potatoes and stir it in. After your one plate of the Thanksgiving meal is complete and if the desserts are already out to enjoy, grab one small dessert plate and get a sliver of every dessert that you want to enjoy. You want to make sure that neither your dinner plate nor your dessert plate are heaping but they are full of the foods that you love most.

Another good thing to do right after you have finished your meal, especially if others are still eating and you don’t want to be tempted to go break your one plate rule, start a non-food ritual. You begin and ask each person to name at least 3 things that they are thankful for. This will get your mind off of seconds and onto how blessed you truly are.

We hope that you have enjoyed these four tips. Here at Shazzy Fitness we are grateful for our supporters and we count you among our blessings! We sincerely hope you and yours have a wonderful grace- and gratitude-filled Thanksgiving!

Shazzy Fitness instructor Angela JoynerAngela Joyner has been a dance fitness instructor for over ten years and is now Shazzy's very own Director of Instructors! Some of her passions are seeing people get out of their comfort zones and helping people link their fitness and wellness to their faith. She believes that faith and fitness are intertwined in such a way that you can’t fulfill your God-given purpose without taking care of your God-given temple, and she loves the idea of having a class that literally anyone can attend!


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