The day has FINALLY arrived. After weeks of planning and anticipation, the Move. Groove. Amen challenge is HERE.
We have challenged participants from all over the country to dance with us, just a few minutes each day, for 7 days in a row. We purposely chose the first day of Lent to begin this event since it is historically a time of spiritual renewal and reflection for many Christians worldwide.
What better time to re-commit to keeping our temples healthy and fit?
As for me, I have a confession to make. They say the truth will set you free :)
I haven't exercised in weeks.
OK. That's kinda crazy right? Executive producer of a fitness video??? For several weeks, I have let life, work, kids, family, friends, church - you name it really - distract me from taking care of the greatest gift that God has given me (besides his grace and mercy, you know what I mean!).
It's SO easy to get distracted. Especially when there never seem to be enough hours in the day to do even the most minimal tasks. We know that exercise is good for us, we know that taking care of ourselves actually honors God, we know that by not making fitness a priority we are really hurting not just ourselves but also our loved ones.
So why don't we do it?
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15
Today I stand with each of you. I will dance each routine with you and post my comments right here.
*I will love myself as God loves me and I will make my health a priority.*
Stay tuned for my comments on the Genesis workout - and if you haven't seen it, check out Vera's tips for the Challenge, Day 1 Workout - Genesis:
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Kristy McCarley is CEO of Shazzy Fitness. She writes blog articles about faith, dance exercise, fitness and wellness. Subscribe to the Shazzy Fitness email newsletter and be first to receive new blog posts from Kristy and the Shazzy Fitness team.