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Proclaiming Salvation!

Lord Jesus, as we head out the Easter season, I am reminded of Your supernatural, amazing selfless sacrifice for Your people. You decided to leave Glory in all its magnificence and entered the body of Your created being, Mary, and You allowed Yourself to be born in the form of a helpless baby. Philippians 2:7-8 (NLT) says, “He gave up His divine privileges, He took the humble position of a servant and was born as a human being. When He appeared in human form He humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.” Jesus, You had a single mission, to redeem mankind from our sins and pay the penalty for all of our sins so we could live and enjoy eternal communion with You.

Jesus, I can’t imagine the thoughts that went through Your mind as You hung on that cross and endured taunts, cursing, humiliation, and ridicule while covered in blood. Your body in indescribable pain from the beatings the nails, as You gasped for breath. What hurt to know that even then You knew every sin each one of us today has and will commit. And yet, You sacrificed Your life as a sheep led to the slaughter. Your love is so vast You covered our lives with Your life to save us.

empty tomb of the ResurrectionI read how disappointed You were over how the Jewish leaders were so narrow-minded, self-righteous with little regard for anyone but themselves. The leaders then sought to kill You to benefit their rule and position of authority. Oh, Jesus they thought they had succeeded, so did Satan, when they hung You on the cross. But their laughter and cheers were short-lived when the curtain in the temple tore, when the sun hid its face in shame and darkness covered the land. Yes, they were quite startled when graves opened and Saints rose from their graves! But the greatest panic spread amongst the leaders when they heard after three days, news of Your resurrection from the tomb. Jesus You Live! Jesus You Reign Forever!

Because of Your life, Your death and Your resurrection, the Word of God, the Gospel message has gone forth and billions have believed. Jesus, You came that we might have life and have it abundantly. Your journey from Glory to earth was to demonstrate Your Love and to save us from Hell on earth and Hell beyond. You came to bring Peace. Lord we have so little of that in mainstream society. You went to the Cross in Love and You left the Cross with all Power in your hands. Now we, Your children, stand at the Crossroads of Faith and Indifference. It’s time to act, it’s time to stand, it’s time to pray!

group worshipWith our voices and by the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we as Christians must Stand for Freedom, Unity, Respect, Righteous Living, Love and for You, Jesus! So, Heavenly Father, I ask in Your majestic and marvelous name that we, as Your Family of Faith will lift our voices and pray weekly, even daily for America and our World. We will pray Your promises back to you in a unified voice of strength and belief: “If My people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and HEAL their land,” II Chronicles 7:14. We give all glory, honor, and gratitude. We thank You Lord Jesus. Jesus it is in Your mighty, matchless, magnificent Name we pray, AMEN!

Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!


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