Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
My Dear Friends,
It’s nighttime in all the world right now. Chaos, terrorism, suicide bombers, death by vehicles, racial divide in the United States. Political leaders who spout disunity, separatism, and turn their backs on issues that cause citizens in America to live in fear, concern and hopelessness. Hope is even more fleeting for those who don’t know Jesus. They are looking for someone, anyone who can show them a glimmer of light in this tunnel of despair. The headlines show doom and gloom, the internet is full of reports and soliloquies of negativity, anger and divisiveness, while almost every news story on TV speaks of desperate times, mindless acts of violence, debauchery and hatred.
So those of us who do know Jesus as the Savior of the world need to speak up and stand up as never before. Our lives and the lives of our children, friends, loved ones, neighbors, co-workers….all the people in this country, regardless of race, religion or economic status need us to be a light. As Christians, we need to be a “voice” and a way to build bridges of unity, extend olive branches and to offer love and care to all.
There is much we can do to be a voice and take a stand for JUSTICE FOR ALL:
- Write letters to our politicians to demand and enforce laws that protect ALL people. Let them know their office and position rests on the inclusiveness and not exclusiveness of every man and woman’s interests and welfare.
- Start petitions to vote out unethical, corrupt and those who have been in office far too long that they have lost a connection to their constituents.
- March in peaceful protests to express your outrage at the racial prejudice and loss of lives by those we are supposed to trust.
Start a Community Watch service. Determine you will take back your neighborhoods and streets. Stand at alert as our children go to schools. Make sure no one is able to approach them for illicit means. Ensure that they will not be recruited into gangs. Watch that they will not be able to sell, purchase or take drugs on your streets. It takes a village to raise and protect our children; do your share to ensure they are able to play and go to school without fear.
- Watch out too, for the elderly; they offer suffer attacks from those who see them as easy targets. Many have lived in their communities for decades and have seen their neighborhoods fall to the decay of crime and endure the ravages of neglect. So many of them live in fear behind their doors and come out only out of great need. These pillars of our community should be held in high esteem & respect, and not be prisoners in their homes or be seen as easy targets on the streets.
- Attend and take part in community forums on Race and Social Justice. Bring your ideas on how to create solidarity between you and the police.
- Show appreciation for those in Blue who truly do protect and serve. Stop them and introduce yourselves so they get to know you and you them.
Vote in every election.
- Hold a prayer vigil at your church and open it up to the community. Pray for peace. Let each one of us reach out to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
- Don’t get weary in well-doing…don’t give up hope. Let others know you believe God is faithful and He will intervene to bring healing when we remain faithful to Him.
- Remember we are our "Brothers' Keepers". See a need, help a need; see a crime, report a crime. Be solutions to help reduce crime not obstructions to justice being brought against those who evoke fear by hiding in the open. Their arrogance gives them power to evoke fear and so silence our voices. They live to commit another crime while many suffer the loss of their loved ones without ever being allowed the peace that the murderer has been brought to justice and forced to pay for their actions.
- Share your little, to those who have less or none. Don’t close our eyes to those in need. Know that God often blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others. Serve or help stock food kitchens, take a meal to a sick neighbor, provide clothing to those in need, visit those in the hospital to show you care. Baby-sit to help a neighbor take a break, or to help them save on a day of child care. Provide a ride or car-pool with your neighbors…what a great way to build a relationship.
It’s time to be the Ambassadors for Christ He calls us to be. We must show the world how live without fear because we trust in Jesus. It’s time to be the example to the world that those of us who trust in Jesus will not live in fear. God’s perfect love casts out fear and He has generously poured that love into each one who believes Christ died for us. Perfect love recognizes the need to protect our streets from predators in office and on the streets. It’s time to sound the alarm…it’s time to use our voices as trumpets… it’s time to be the clarion call for Justice and peace for every man according to our Constitution. God’s Word gives us our marching orders…FORWARD MARCH!
Cynthia Jones is a child of God, wife, mom and Shazzy Fitness guest blogger. Cynthia has led several Women’s Ministries for over 28 years; she and her husband serve all over the country, mentoring and teaching couples how to love & grow according to God’s design for Christian marriage. Subscribe to our newsletter and get awesome updates on faith, fitness, fun, family and fellowship!