“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25
Turn that frown upside down! While some other countries have their own way of acknowledging positivity and laughter, here in the United States, National Smile Week takes place each year on the second week of August. Its goal is to promote happiness as well as encourage others to smile and laugh.
Smiling is such a simple gesture, however it has more benefits than you might realize. Smiling is beneficial in both health and emotion. So why should you smile this week? Here are some of the benefits of smiling:
- The act of smiling can improve your mood instantly. Even if your smile is forced, your brain will be tricked by your facial expression and you will still feel happier.
- Once you begin to age, smiling can make you look younger.
- People who smile and laugh often are less likely to develop heart disease.
- Smiling lowers your blood pressure.
- Smiling releases endorphins with counteract with stress hormones, causing less stress and anxiety!
- With the release of these endorphins, your body will create more white blood cells which will help boost your immune system. This will keep you healthy!
- Smiles are contagious! When you smile at someone, they will naturally smile back!
So use this week to make an extra effort to smile every day- and encourage others to smile as well! It’s the little things in life that can really brighten someone’s day. Making someone else smile will put a smile on your face as well. You never know whose day you could be uplifting just with a quick, passing smile. Happy National Smile Week, and stay smiling! :)