Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money and be satisfied with your present; for He Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you. Hebrew 13:5
Maya Angelou once said, “We need much less than we think we need.” Today consumerism is a way of life for most of us. We shop when we are happy, sad and mad. We shop when we need something and when we don’t. We shop so extensively that we now have shopaholics amongst us.
But is all this consuming/owning getting in the way of living? Do we truly need to define ourselves through the things we own? And why is the happiness that comes with buying something fleeting?
As you think about these questions, there is a way to move from clutter to clarity. The first week of August is Simplify Your Life week and there is no better way to find out what you truly need. For one week you can try one of our recommended ways to simplify your life by de-cluttering and consuming less.
Here are seven ways:
1) Simplify your wardrobe. Identify items that you truly need which includes clothes, shoes, and accessories. Keep only what you need and donate the rest to a charity. If you haven’t worn a piece of clothing in the past one year, chances are you won’t wear it ever. The rule to apply is quality over quantity.
2) De-clutter your house. Get rid of unwanted things. Recycle magazines, newspapers and unwanted documents that have piled high on your desk.
3) Reduce the amount of time you spend consuming media. If you truly paid attention you would realize that you spend way too much time watching television or browsing the internet or other social media sites. Take time out so that you can spend quality time with yourself, your family and friends.
4) Simplify your health. Plan your meals in advance so that you can have family meals. Include more servings of fruits and vegetables. Eat out less often. Exercise and try to meditate.
5) Don’t over commit to things. Learn to say no. You can’t help your friend and pick up the dry-cleaning and cook a hearty meal. Prioritize and decide what is important to you. Women have a hard time saying no and end up stretching themselves too thin. Delegate tasks around the house and ask for help.
6) Slow down. We live in a time where everything has to be instant. We start our days in a hurry and end it dazed not truly having enjoyed any moment in between. Life is in the journey so slow your pace and take time out to enjoy the view.
7) Start a gratitude journal. Journaling has often been touted to be therapeutic and when you write down five things for which you are thankful for during the day, you truly begin to understand what is important to you.