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Why 2020 Will Be the Year of Change

beautiful mountainsWith God’s help, we are always capable of change. We can conquer our mountains, whatever those mountains may be. For some it may be changing a habit, sticking to a fitness goal, overcoming financial challenges, or recovering from or working through a health issue. Everyone’s mountains are individual, but God is available to every individual. He cares for and is interested in every detail of our lives. Our God who is always keeping count of the hairs on our heads is constantly giving us His loving attention.

When we ask Him to, God helps us identify areas needing change and offers us solutions. Once we’ve recognized a solution, we can make a positive change. There are certain solutions God has allocated to everyone. The first is time with Him. Spending time in His Word and conversing with Him brings His Presence, His peace, and His inner strength to get through the day. Another is fitness. He designed our bodies to respond well to physical exercise. When we dance and praise Him, we get the double blessing of spiritual inner strength as well as physical strength. Afterwards, we carry His peace with us and good endorphins float happily to the brain giving us a healthy, natural, positive sense of well-being.

thinking by the windowThere are always circumstances which are out of our hands which we need to pray over and wait on God for. At the same time, there are things we can be doing towards our desired changes. Faith is accompanied with actions, so if we’re praying for and waiting on a change, we can ask God to show us what are the small, baby steps to take towards the expected change. Then we get on with taking those small steps.

Sometimes, changes happen which we weren’t expecting or hoping for and it can take some time to walk that journey through. We might not understand and can feel deeply disappointed, yet God is carrying us through those hard times. It’s a time to take hold of everything good He’s given us in our lives and be grateful for them as we walk the difficult season with Him. Identifying what’s important and not allowing ourselves to be influenced by worldly thinking can be a big key to getting through hard times of change.

devotionOthers might expect us to know what our plans are for the future. However, when we don’t know everything the future holds it can be a good thing. It means we can be creative, explore options, and enjoy the freedom of not knowing. When trusting God for our future, we don’t have to know all that’s ahead. We can simply enjoy today and keep focusing on our relationship with Him. Let’s keep taking those baby steps while holding our trustworthy, Father God’s hand and we will see good changes come to pass. Be encouraged, good things are always ahead when we’re walking with our God.

Kathryn DrinkwaterKathryn Drinkwater, a Shazzy Fitness guest blogger, is a writer and editor from New Zealand. She currently home schools her daughter and cares for horses and alpacas on a lifestyle block in the rural far north of the North Island. She has a heart for missions and last year travelled with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) to Nepal. Kathryn enjoys letting people know more about Shazzy Fitness.


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