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Stop Thinking That You’re ‘JUST’ a Stay at Home Mom

“I’m just a stay at home mom.” or “I’m just a housewife.”

mother and kidsHave you heard or spoken or possibly thought of this line before?

This one-liner is not uncommonly heard of. It comes up during family conversations and other social situations. It can even be a spoken line in films and books. It’s something that stay at home moms can utter and think with embarrassment or even disappointment. Well, if you’re one to do that, then, stop! Don’t! 

It’s interesting (but won’t surprise you for sure!) to hear the results that came up after Welch did a 2019 study on stay at home mothers. Are you ready to hear what you already know? According to USA Today, Welch found out that a mother holds an equivalent of 2.5 full-time jobs. Her typical work hours begin at 6:23 AM and end at 8:31 PM; with a shift break of 1.7 hours. I guess you’re already challenging the info. Because moms still clean up and do stuff beyond 8:31 PM for sure. And where’s that 1.7 hours being talked about?! Motherhood is round the clock, baby! 

Take a moment though and take that in. Statistics recognize that you hold 2.5 full-time jobs. Wow! So, you can never be ‘JUST’ a stay at home mom. Because being a stay at home mom is no small thing. Yes, you may not always have it together. You may be less organized than how you want to be. You may be failing in some areas. You may not always live up to expectations. Hey, nobody’s perfect. And no one who holds 2.5 full-time jobs can function at a 100% level continuously. There’s bound to be setbacks and lapses.


mom and daughter at the kitchen“Stay at home mom”, stop thinking low of yourself.

You carry a most impressive resume and your living and work environment is ideal. Imagine, you’re not working for a company you do not own and for people you do not know. All your efforts are invested into people you love, in people who matter to you. The things you do are worthwhile and most important. All you do carries great value because they help your spouse, children, and other family members. Helping people. Doing good to others. These greatly bring joy to God’s heart. He is proud of you!


‘Stay at home mom”, stop being too hard on yourself.

No one is perfect. We will always fall short in some ways. The goal is to improve and to get better. So, learn from the failures. Turn the negatives into positives. And more importantly, celebrate the milestones.


mom and baby“Stay at home mom”, stop going at it alone.

Philippians 4:13 says, "We are strong whenever we are IN the One who strengthens us. We are in Christ and we must remain (abide) in Him." Jesus Himself tells us in John 15 that abundant living is found in Him. So, prioritize your time with God and His Word. Welcome His presence and empowerment as you go about your day.


“Stay at home” mom, you are awesome!


Ana MenezAna Menez, a Shazzy Fitness guest blogger, is a freelance writer. She takes great interest in writing and sharing growth resources. She loves reading for all of its fresh insights and points of view that helps her as she consider issues relevant to her faith life.

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