Day 1 of the challenge kicks off Monday!
Please forgive us for this long post, prep posts are a little longer because we've got a lot to cover!
To get ready:

- Take a little inventory of the cabinets or pantry and your refrigerator. If you have kiddos we suggest that instead of labeling a food as bad, maybe you can put foods that are still okay for them to have sometimes (but not a part of your challenge) in a separate place.
Label it "still growing" while you put your food in a tub or on a shelf and call it "Mom's challenge Fuel" or "Dad's Challenge Fuel" or "Clean and Green". However, you want to handle that in your home.
There are some foods that you may want to get rid of altogether. So, share a photo of yourself tubbing up the food, separating it on a shelf, or throwing out food that does not fit your plan and wouldn't be good for someone else if you donated it (bye, Christmas Candy) and tag those pics #shazzystrong
Get your prayer and workout time on your schedule. This is so important. If you don't set it like it is an appointment life can just happen and make you miss it. Also, lean in for this, the truth is, you know that you would do that for someone else in a heartbeat. You probably do a ton of things for everyone else around you all of the time. Think of it this way, you are helping out the people in your life when you are taking care of yourself mind, body & spirit. So, set some prayer time, some workout time, some fueling up with healthy food time and keep that appointment like it's with a VIP..because it is
We are so happy to be on this journey with you and praying for your success!!!!
Love, Coach Angela (for the Shazzy Stronger 2017 Team)