It's time for move #2! It's called PKS - Pull, knee, slide. Watch the video above for step by step instructions from Shazzy Fitness Instructor, Apollo Levine. This a great move to practice around the house or to save for when you're out with friends. Its fun and easy to learn. Soon you'll have enough moves for an entire routine! Are you ready? Try it out and let us know how it goes in the comment section below.
Below is Apollo’s description of the move. Check back for the rest of this 7 move series.
Dance move #2: P.K.S. (Pull, Knee, and Slide)
“This is a little variation to work those abs and get some cardio in. Reach both arms up this time, as you pull down, drive your left knee up to your chest. Reach up, now pull down this time driving the right knee. Now, in a slightly squatted position shoot your left arm across your body. As you pull it back, slide your body to the right and then repeat to the other side shooting your right hand across the chest and pulling to the left. Put it all together and groove with the music.”
Check back tomorrow for Apollo's third dance move!